Wednesday, August 19, 2009

CWA Day Two

First, an apology. The email access at the Convention Center isn't what I hoped. I thought I'd be able to get WiFi in the Plenary sessions, but it's not available. So I'm sending less than intended.

Second, I'm totally sharing Ruth Ellen's drinking game idea with everyone I know.

CWA: Day Two

The ELCA has voted in Assembly to launch the Lutheran Malaria Initiative. We will begin with at $2.8 million grant and then raise funds to do our part toward the very attainable goal of eradicating malaria. The initiative will concentrate on sub-Saharan Africa, though the hope was expressed from the Assembly floor and the dais that it will expand to other parts of the world in which malaria takes lives.

We also talked about human sexuality—the sexuality of gay humans, that is. We moved into a Quasi Committee of the Whole, which is fancy legal language for “a big structured conversation.” Persons line up at green and red microphones and get three minutes to share their feelings about the matter at hand—in this case, the ELCA Social Statement on Human Sexuality.

Folks at the green microphones felt that we ought to finally move forward toward real welcome of our transgender, bisexual, lesbian and gay neighbors.

Folks at the red microphones felt that we ought to quit talking about feelings. This is the Tactic Du Jour for the red mic crowd. Assign all impetus toward change to the realm of “capricious emotion.”

We heard this argument in a slightly different way at Synod, from the gentleman who argued that we seemed to be deciding policy “based on some kind of wishy-washy love thing.”

Is feeling such a bad thing for the church? Shall we really not use emotion as one (and it is only one, not the sole basis of our platform) deciding factor in making change?


Anonymous said...

We touched on this discussion when our friend mentioned that whishy washy love thing. How can a church function without emotion? How can we proclaim the word of Christ if we cannot infuse it with the passion and love that Jesus himself expressed? We do not live in an emotionless world.. how can you look and those that are dying from hunger, malaria or violence and not feel anything? It is what calls us to action again and again.. it holds one of the most important places in the church I think... that whishy washy love thing is what allowed Jesus to give himself over and go to the cross for us...
we are called to do the same
Niki Williams

Brickrat said...

Hmmm, Ruth Ellen's drinking game, an oxymoron?

Ruth Ellen said...

I drink coffee. People who actually want to become less stressed at sexuality conversations might drink other beverages.